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LUCY: Each generation must be able to blame the previous generation for its problems... It doesn't solve anything. But it makes us all feel better!

3. CHARLIE BROWN: You say my being a slow reader is not caused by needing glasses?

LINUS VAN PELT: Probably not... Slow reading in children is often the result of "MIXED BRAIN DOMINANCE"... A person is right-handed because the left side of his brain is dominant... Now if you are AMBIDEXTROUS, or if you have been forced to write with the wrong hand, this may produce "MIXED BRAIN DOMINANCE"... If this is true, we can rule out poor vision as the cause of your slow reading...

LUCY: Have you ruled out STUPIDITY?

4. LUCY: This is no good! It's too light! That ball they're using is no good either! How can anybody hit when the sun is so bright? I bat better when it's cloudy! It's too dusty out there, too! I can't hit well when the wind is blowing! That bat I was using is too short! It's hard to see the ball today! You can't hit a ball when the bat is too thin! I think their pitcher is ...


5. CHARLIE BROWN (Writing a letter): Dear pencil-pal, I am sorry I haven't written. It seems as if I am always apologising, doesn't it? Well, I am sorry that I haven't written before. I guess I am a poor correspondent. Please forgive me for not writing sooner. How have you been? yours truly, CHARLIE BROWN

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