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NEW IDEA (Australian Magazine) (8th AUG '92)

ARIES - ruled by MARS
sign - the RAM (male sheep)
...ARIANS (20.03 - 18.04) find it hard to give themselves totally to anyone...
...Their best romantic prospects are found among the ranks of CANCER, LEO, SAGITTARIUS, GEMINI and LIBRA...
...The males are proud, moral and faithful, while the females are ambitious, dedicated to home and family - and are born worriers. Clashes could occur with SCORPIO and CAPRICORN...

* ARIES also reckoned Mar 21 - Apr 20

sign - the BULL
...Venus-ruled TAUREANS (19.04 - 19.05) find it very easy to fall in and out of love...
...Lady TAURUS, however, adores being a woman and will spend lots on negligees and perfume to please her man.
Compatible signs are SCORPIO, CANCER, PISCES, CAPRICORN and VIRGO. Clashes could occur with AQUARIUS and SAGITTARIUS...

* TAURUS also reckoned Apr 21 - May 21

...GEMINIANS (20.05 - 20.06) talk a lot and say nothing...
...Variety is the GEMINI spice of life...
...Compatible signs are LIBRA, ARIES and SAGITTARIUS. Clashes could occur with PISCES, SCORPIO and CAPRICORN...

* GEMINI also reckoned May 22 - Jun 21

...CANCERIANS (21.06 - 21.07) find it difficult to extricate themselves from a relationship, even though the flame has gone out...
...The CANCERIAN woman devotes her whole life to the home and children, sometimes, inadvertently

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