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shutting out her partner and causing friction in marriage...

...Compatible signs are SCORPIO, PISCES, TAURUS and CAPRICORN...

...No chance of playing up if a CANCERIAN is waiting at home - they've the knack of finding out...

* CANCER also reckoned Jun 22 - Jul 23


...LEOs (22.07 - 21.08) tend to display their hearts on their sleeves and are easy prey to the other signs that are out to play the field...

Another handicap is the ego...

...Relationships that would be good are with ARIES, SAGITTARIUS and GEMINI. You could get your fingers burned with VIRGO, AQUARIUS or PISCES...

* LEO also reckoned Jul 24 - Aug 23


...VIRGO (22.08 - 20.09) as well as GEMINI is ruled by MERCURY.

...The female VIRGOAN tries her hardest to throw off the 'virginal' tag that's haunted her all her life...

...Signs that work well with this person are the other EARTH SIGNS TAURUS and CAPRICORN, and the WATER SIGNS CANCER, VIRGO * (or SCORPIO?) and PISCES, who will soften this practical sign. Avoid LIBRA or ARIES...

* VIRGO also reckoned Aug 24 - Sep 23


...LIBRANs (21.09 - 22.10) ooze sex-appeal...

...Partners for this sign need to have plenty of stamina, both mentally and physically, because bedroom games are the favourite indoor sport...

...They can make beautiful music with AQUARIAN, ARIES or LEO but a PISCES or SCORPIO unbalances their scales...

* LIBRA also reckoned Sep 24 - Oct 23


...SCORPIOs (23.10 - 21.11) hate injustice more than any thing...

Compatible signs should be TAURUS, CANCER and PISCES, but trouble could be lurking if a SCORPIO unites with AQUARIUS, ARIES or LEO...

* SCORPIO also reckoned Oct 24 - Nov 22


...Easy come, easy go is the motto of many SAGITTARIANS (22.11 - 22.12)

...Compatible signs are ARIES, GEMINI and LEO. Sparks will fly with CANCER and CAPRICORN...

* SAGITTARIUS also reckoned Nov 23 - Dec 22

*** (It's claimed to have recognised a New Sun Sign OPIOCUS falls between 27.11 - 13.12 which demands the redesign of Signs)


...Capricornians (23.12 - 19.01) don't suffer fools gladly and often say as much...

Their natural reserve makes 'em a target for those who misconstrue it as snobbishness, which makes them

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